To:All Lot Owners and Users in the Columbia View Terraces Irrigation Association (CVTIA) NeighborhoodDate: March 7, 2022
From:Hank LuBean, CVTIA Co-Administrator
Re:Annual Meeting and Assessed Irrigation Dues for 2022 (due April 8, 2022)

Our 2nd annual in-person neighborhood meeting (Zoom option available) will be held Saturday, April 2, at 6:00 p.m. in Hank LuBean’s front yard/driveway at 1700 North Aurora. This meeting will provide opportunity for you to ask questions and receive any up-to-date information about CVTIA’s activities and issues. This meeting will be less than an hour and will satisfy our goal of having an annual meeting.

The Zoom link is:

(Meeting ID: 836 5491 6364,     Passcode: 340033)

Water is usually released into the canal the first week in April by the Wenatchee Reclamation District. After allowing the water to settle for a day or two, we will open our headgate April 9, 2022. 

On Saturday April 9 around 10:00 a.m., we will be walking through the neighborhood looking for leaks or water problems and may need to enter your property to turn off your main valve if necessary. For those who did NOT return their annual irrigation dues in 2021, we will turn off your main valve until payment is received.

Please have all required, past and present, irrigation dues in by April 8, 2022 to ensure that your irrigation water supply will be available. Those who did not pay in 2021 will receive an additional notice of payment due.   

In July of 2021 at our neighborhood meeting we agreed to annual irrigation dues of $20 per lot or property assessed to the owner, renter or whomever pays for utilities for the lot and uses the irrigation. Each property in CVTIA’s Platt or subdivision has either 1, 1.5, 2, or 2.5 lots. Most owners have only 1 lot, if you have more than one lot, you already know you do.  The main reasons for annual dues:

  • Prior to 2021, dues had not been collected since 2012 and funds were deemed insufficient for possible needs.
  • Help to boost irrigation bank account for unforeseen expenses (easier to collect a small amount now rather than a larger amount when an emergency arises, which it will; our current system is over 40 years old now).
  • Will pay for an annual fee associated with extra water shares that were available to be leased for 5 years beginning in 2020; more shares help stabilize our water pressure. (see website for more information on this)

Should you have any questions don’t hesitate to call or refer to the CVTIA website for up-to-date information. 


Please update your information so we can contact you for irrigation water emergencies (info kept private) .

Printed Full Name: ___________________________________  Address:  ________________________________

Phone# _____________________________ EMAIL:  ___________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________


DUES: (Rate is $20 per lot): Most folks owe $20; those who owe for more than one lot should know; call Hank if unsure. (Checks payable to CVTIA)

Send payment no later than April 8, 2022 to the address below. Payment can be mailed,  placed in ‘Black correspondence’ mailbox on Hank’s front porch, or hand delivered to Hank’s house.

Hank LuBean;  1700 N Aurora Ave.;   East Wenatchee, Washington 98802      509.679-4259;