Valve Problem Update
On 4/23/23 a problem was encountered with the lateral valve feeding houses on Aurora (West side) and Anne (East side) from addresses 1600 to 1700. The problem is the lateral’s 3-inch gate valve started to leak from the valve body not the valve stem. The leaking problem is not able to be fixed without digging up the valve and either fixing it in-place or by replacing the valve. This fixing effort will be done by Hank and Adam your CVTIA Administrators. It will be scheduled to be done a week or so after May 6 unless the leak becomes more substantial. The fix or replacement of the valve could cost several hundred dollars.
When the valve repair or replacement starts, the entire irrigation system below Aurora Ave. will be shut down for a few hours or a day or two depending on how the fix will be accomplished.
Update 5/20/23: The leaky valve has mostly healed itself (materials in the water clogging up the small hole where the leak is). It will still need to be fixed but it may be put off until after the season is over unless it starts leaking heavy again. We’ll keep an eye on it.