Water Turn-on for 2022

The Wenatchee Reclamation District (WRD) begins filling their canal system on April 4, 2022. It takes a day or two for the water to travel from the Wenatchee River at Dryden, to and through Wenatchee, across the foot bridge into East Wenatchee, then finally to dump into the WRD’s canal here in East Wenatchee under the road (you can’t see it) at 9th and Eastmont. We let the water settle a bit for a day or two before we open the headgate to charge our system. We plan to charge our system by opening the headgate on Saturday April 9, 2022.

Our 2nd annual in-person neighborhood meeting (Zoom option available) will be held Saturday, April 2, at 6:00 p.m. in Hank LuBean’s front yard/driveway at 1700 North Aurora. This meeting will provide opportunity for you to ask questions and receive any up-to-date information about CVTIA’s activities and issues. This meeting will be less than an hour and will satisfy our goal of having an annual meeting.

The Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83654916364?pwd=RHlWTlBTdmZidjFpRVJ4WVEzcVJWdz09

(Meeting ID: 836 5491 6364,     Passcode: 340033)

You and your neighbors are the Columbia View Terrace Irrigation Association (CVTIA). We have 72 lot owners in our neighborhood. As lot owners we voluntarily maintain and operate our own system separate from the WRD. We purchase water from the WRD annually via County property assessments. WRD delivers the water to our headgate on the canal near the middle of the golf course; our system starts at the headgate. We began collecting annual dues in 2021. A notice was sent out on 3/5/22 for this year’s dues.  A copy of the notice is shown below. 

Each lot has a main valve that attaches to the main irrigation lateral lines. Lot owners are responsible for the irrigation piping down-stream of their main valve. When we charge our system each spring, we check for leaks and ensure that each lot’s main valves are either closed or under proper control so leaks can be observed. To do this check, we may need to enter your yard and verify that your main irrigation valve or valves are off as well as look for main delivery pipe leaksIf you don’t want us in your yard and you can ensure that your main valve is off and that there are no main line leaks, please call or email me to let me know (see below for info), otherwise on Saturday morning about 10:00 a.m. on 4/9/22, you will see a couple of your neighbors wandering through the neighborhood and into each yard checking valves and working with lot owners/renters for identifying any leaks or problems. We will attempt to notify you by knocking before entering your property. If you have a locked yard, please leave it open or have someone available to open it for us. If we can’t get in, and if there are leaks, the entire lateral will be shut off until repairs are made; meaning you and your close neighbors won’t have irrigation water until then. Also, those who have not paid their annual dues for this year or any previous year could have their valves closed until they pay us. 

As a lot owner or lot user (if renting), your lot is automatically a member of our irrigation association and the lot’s property covenant gives the association an easement to maintain the irrigation system as necessary including entering your yard to do so (just like gas, water, electricity, telephone, etc.).

This website was created for our irrigation system. It has information about our irrigation system, check out the site.  You might want to bookmark it for information updates (outages, turn-on / turn-off dates, etc.). the website is:  www.lubean.com/cvtia.

We have been doing this annual turn-on action each year for at least five decades. If you have questions, concerns, or information, give me a call on my cell 509-679-4259, email me at: hlubean@gmail.com   or stop by my house at 1700 North Aurora.

I am Hank LuBean, your neighbor and current CVTIA Administrator.

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