Problem at 18th and Aurora

A leak in Aurora North lateral at the entrance to the apartments was discovered on 10/1/24. The Aurora North lateral will be off until the leak can be fixed. If you live on the East side of Aurora North of 17th or the North side of 18th between Sunset Hwy. and Aurora, you won’t have irrigation water. The WRD still plans to shut off water on October 11th, 2024.

Update 10/3/24:

While trying to repair the 18th and Aurora leak, the main lateral valve at 17th and Aurora was damaged (valve handle broke off) and will need repair before water can be put back into the line to test the fix at 18th and Aurora. The valve fix may not happen until after the Wen. Recl. Dist turns the water off on 10/11/24 so those without water right now may not have it come back at all this year. I’ll try to keep you all updated as we fix the problems. Hank

Update 10/10/24

The valve was temporarily fixed on 10/8/24 enough to allow customers to have water for a couple of days. the leak at 18th was also fixed. The valve at 17th and Aurora was dug up and fixed by 11/1/24 (new valve handle and packing). The 18th fix and the 17th valve should now be ready for next April when the water gets turned back on. Hank

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